Hi, my name is Perfect Elorm Avugla

A Frontend Developer & Cloud Solutions Architect

I am a developer specializing in HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Currently, I am taking a cloud computing course with Azubi Africa,
making a career switch from Biomedical Engineering to
Cloud Solutions Architect; to develop, create
and host applications on the cloud.

About Me

As a highly motivated creative professional, I thrive on transforming innovative concepts into concrete solutions that meet the specific needs of each project. I relish challenges that push the limits of my knowledge and skills, constantly seeking new opportunities for growth and improvement.

My proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript has enabled me to successfully develop projects that demonstrate my technical expertise and creativity. With my recent foray into React development, I am excited to explore new technologies and tools that will allow me to create even more impactful and cutting-edge projects

Beyond my roles as a Frontend Developer and Cloud Solutions Architect, I enjoy playing guitar, spending time with family, and exploring diverse topics. I also love watching action movies with my little brother.

Dev Projects

Latest Project

YouTube Clone

Mimics the interface of the popular video sharing platform, YouTube. This clone, is very responsive.

Technologies used include:
  • HTML
  • CSS
Screenshot of my YouTube Clone.

Latest Project

Gallery Page

This project involved the creation of a visually appealing gallery page for an Interior Decor website.I utilized expanding cards to enhance functionality and improve the user experience. The resulting gallery page showcases the website's interior decor products in an elegant and user-friendly manner

Technologies used include:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of the Wall of Wonder.

Cloud Projects

Latest Project

Docker Webapp

This project involves the creation of a login form with two distinct versions: V1, which is a static webpage, and V2, which is a dynamic page that incorporates an authentication mechanism. The goal of this project is to develop a professional-grade login system that provides users with a secure and streamlined login experience, while also ensuring that unauthorized access to sensitive information is prevented. (This project is still under construction)

Technologies used include:
  • (httpd, Apache)
Screenshot of Project.

Latest Project

Gallery Page

This project involved the creation of a visually appealing gallery page for an Interior Decor website.I utilized expanding cards to enhance functionality and improve the user experience. The resulting gallery page showcases the website's interior decor products in an elegant and user-friendly manner

Technologies used include:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of the Wall of Wonder.

My Skills

Awards & Certificates

Certified Solutions Architect - 2022
BSC Biomedical Engineering - KNUST,2021
3 rd best Start-up idea - Node Eight, 2020
Web Developer Trainee - Node Eight, 2020

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